Why Your Students Think Your Class is Boring and How to Fix It.

Stephen Mosley
2 min readMar 29, 2022

It’s no secret that students can be bored in class. I’m sure you’ve heard students say this class or that class is boring. But why do students get bored in the first place? And what can teachers do to prevent it? And more importantly, what can teachers do to keep their students engaged?

There are a few reasons why students might get bored in class. For starters, if the material is too easy or too difficult, students will quickly lose interest. Some students might find the material irrelevant to their lives or future goals. Additionally, if the class is lecture-based and there’s no opportunity for students to participate, they will likely become bored. Finally, many students feel disengaged when they’re not given enough opportunity to participate in classroom discussions or exercises.

So how can teachers keep their students engaged?

One way is to mix up the teaching style. For example, instead of lecturing, try asking students to work in pairs or groups to complete a task.

If you usually have students complete a worksheet at a certain point in your lesson, try having them create presentation or video instead.

Teachers can make sure that the class is interactive by asking students to participate in the lesson by using interactive tools, answering questions, give them opportunities to discuss ideas, or have them work on small projects.

Make sure that the material being taught is relevant to your students’ lives. Use real-world examples how they can use the material or how it applies to their daily lives.

Next, if you must lecture, make it more engaging by using examples and stories that students can relate to. Don’t just relay information.

Give your students more opportunities to participate in class discussions and activities.

Finally, be sure to give students feedback on their progress so they know that you’re paying attention.

If you implement these tips, your students will be less likely to get bored in your class. And that means they’ll be more likely to learn and engage with the material.

